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Wanda Rogers-Brown


U.S. Army Veteran

My Story

Wanda was born in Manhattan and raised partially in Brooklyn, N.Y. and Goldsboro, N. C. She earned the Postal School grading while in Business Administration AIT at Ft. Jackson, S.C. before redirecting to Medical Supply Specialist AIT at Ft. Sam Houston, Tx. 

Her military time was served at Ft. Belvoir, Va as a Medical Supply Specialist at DeWitt Army Hospital. She participated in Track & Field while at Ft. Belvoir while training for “All Army” Track & Field receiving 1st place in 100 yd dash, 1stplace in 220 yd dash and 1st place for the Shot put, while training for the 1984 U. S. Olympics. She received an NCO Achievement Award in 1982.

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